The Path To Financial Freedom - Part 4: Self Care Is Your Best Weapon

Nov 04, 2021

This is Part 4 of "The Path to Financial Freedom" series. Here, I use the example of one of the most successful NFL stars of our generation to help us understand that REST can be our biggest asset as we work our way to our goals.  

Here is the outline for the series: 

Part 1: Anticipation and Intentionality 

Part 2: Money Mindset and Goals (Part 1 of 2) 

Part 2: Money Mindset and Goals (Part 2 of 2) 

Part 3: The Rebuild 

Part 4: Self-Care Is Your Best Weapon 

Part 5: Four Steps to Lasting Results 

Part 6: Self-Awareness 

Part 7: Financial Freedom and Your Ideal Life 

Part 8: Getting Control of Your Money 

Part 9: Budgeting 

Part 10:Saving and Investing 

Part 11: Execution and Wrap Up  

Part 4: Self-Care is Your Best Weapon 

Tom Brady. Almost everyone knows who he is. Whether you like him or not, he's one of the most successful quarterbacks of our generation, if not in the history of the NFL. I'm not a big football fan. If you saw my last video, you know I'm more of a baseball fan. However, I have great respect for Tom Brady and how he has taken care of himself as he ages so his performance is at it's peak level, even into his 40's!   

When I heard Tom say that he gets 9 hours of sleep every night, and is adamant about it, I had to incorporate this discipline and topic into my coaching for finance. So, how are you doing on your rest? Are you at your peak performance, or are you slogging along in life operating at a fraction of what you are capable of? Commit now to create your Refreshment List of things that charge your batteries so you can be your best!

Here is the link to another post I did on The Refreshment List: https://www.sentinelcoaching.com/blog/the-refreshment-list