Needs vs. Wants

Aug 27, 2020

One of the biggest struggles we have is figuring out what is a need vs. a want. For those of us that have struggled with money or had to claw our way to just being able to pay bills, this is constantly hammered into our psyche to determine whether what you are buying is a want or a need. But that's not the problem. The real problem is we are conditioned to heap guilt and shame on ourselves for wanting something. Remember, it's okay to want something, and in fact, it's even okay to get things we want. But, only if we've budgeted for it. This is the key. If we haven't budgeted for something, chances are we will financially regret the purchase because that is stealing from something else we may need. But how do we determine when it's okay to buy something? When this happens, we ask ourselves these two questions:

1) Do I really want this more than the money it takes to buy it?

2) Would I rather save the money and use it for something else?

Life is meant to enjoy and celebrate, so pay close attention and budget your money, then live your life, enjoy, and celebrate the things that bring you happiness. You can (and should) live your Ideal Life - starting NOW! 

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