If you haven't seen the free workshop on "How to give yourself a 10% raise in the next 30 days", click HERE!


What if you could start living your Ideal Life today, and have a plan to reach Financial Freedom years earlier?

We believe everyone can live their Ideal Life. We've created a program to make reaching Financial Freedom easier and achievable for everyone.

Watch the video below (15min) or scroll down to learn more about the ILMA.


Are you ready to start living your Ideal Life?

Join the Ideal Life & Money Academy NOW

You're Not Alone

We can guide you to beat the statistics


live paycheck to paycheck


have revolving credit card debt


have $0 saved for retirement

only 41%

live on a budget


will retire with less than $25,000

Some people will reach Financial Freedom without help, but it takes a lot of work and usually a long time - but if you could get there 6-10 years or even decades faster without having to go through all of the pain of learning on your own, would you do it? 

Imagine reaching Financial Freedom 10 years faster and having the choice to retire early, travel the world, and spend money without guilt, all while living your Ideal Life. These are MASSIVE results!


What is the Ideal Life & Money Academy? 

ILMA is a private financial coaching membership designed to help YOU achieve results faster, reach Financial Freedom decades earlier, and live your Ideal Life now - all within a supportive community.

Who is it for? 

  • If you want to get organized with your money so that you can reach Financial Freedom decades earlier.
  • If you have been in the same career for 10+ years and feel stuck in the rat race.
  • If you are looking to start a side hustle that you love to make extra money and have multiple streams of income.
  • Feel like debt is holding you back from living your Ideal Life.

It's NOT for you if you are looking to "get rich quick" or not willing to put in the work.

How does it work for you?

  • Discover where you are today
  • Define Financial Freedom and Ideal Life in your words
  • Monthly live coaching calls
  • Natural accountability
  • Supportive community
  • Easy achievable milestones

Double the value: 

Coach Mike & Coach Jason have partnered together in this exclusive membership. You get the benefit of being guided by not one, but TWO professional Financial Coaches, who are passionate about getting you RESULTS! 

Reminder: FREE video workshop

Register and Get Instant Access to ILMA Free Workshop:
How to give yourself a 10% raise without working more hours!

We will never spam your email!

Have you thought?

  • I don’t know how much I need to retire
  • I don’t make enough money to reach Financial Freedom
  • I don’t know where to start
  • I’m too old to reach Financial Freedom, I didn’t start soon enough

Then the Ideal Life & Money Academy is definitely for you!

Coaches Mike and Jason have designed this to be a simple and effective community to help YOU reach Financial Freedom all while living your Ideal Life.

  • We are all about getting you RESULTS and making PROGRESS!
  • We created a step by step path to living your Ideal Life and reaching Financial Freedom.
  • No more getting distracted by “everything you need to do”. We focus on getting you results faster.
  • In the first 30 to 60 days, you will:
    • Know yourself
    • Know your numbers
    • Create a budget that works
    • Implement a plan to get you out of debt
    • Find a side hustle idea to make you extra money
    • And more!


You don't have to be an expert.

Most members start out broke and in debt, but we have a system to get you out of debt, start building wealth, and work your way to Financial Freedom…all while beginning to live your Ideal Life!

In fact, when Coach Mike started his journey his net worth was -$100,000 AND Coach Jason was underwater $250,000 in his house!

NOW, both 100% debt-free, we are living our ideal lives!

We know you can do it too!

We are here to guide you through the whole process.



  • Your Ideal Life: Define it. Build it. Live it. 
  • Creating a Balanced Life
  • 4 Steps to Lasting Change: Finding Your Purpose and Executing Your Plan
  • Self Awareness:
    • Knowing who you are and how you handle money
    • Tackling Money Myths and Fears
    • Finding Your Values
    • Your Natural Tendencies Around Money: What you don't know WILL kill you
  • Get Organized With Money
    • Create Your Financial Snapshot: Assets/Liabilities, Net Worth
    • Creating a Budget That Works
    • Learn to save money 
    • Create a plan to get out of debt quickly
  • The Path to Financial Freedom
  • Money Tips/Best Practices
  • Career/Work
    • Finding or Creating work that is meaningful and fulfilling
    • Side Hustles
    • Creating Multiple Streams of Income
  • Your Future and Your Legacy

The results you’ll get are proven to be massive! Joining the Ideal Life & Money Academy is invaluable because you get the best of both worlds. You get amazing content to help you make progress, you have access to TWO Coaches, and to an awesome supportive Community to help keep you accountable and provide additional encouragement! We are truly stronger together. 


Summary Of What You Are Getting


  • A proven program to help you live your Ideal Life
  • Create the path to reaching Financial Freedom
  • Not one, but TWO Financial Coaches to help guide you
  • Regular content to help make your journey as simple as possible
  • Live coaching calls each month
  • A Community to encourage and support you
  • Resources and tools that are yours to keep throughout your journey
  • And More!

Completely Risk Free

30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

No questions. No hassles. It is genuinely risk-free to join today!

I know you are afraid. You aren’t sure it will work for you. You don’t know if it’s worth spending time, energy, money, and effort. You may not think you can do it…But that’s why this kind of program is so effective. We do this TOGETHER, and our goal is to help you make progress! 

Progress is the key to motivation and motivation will create momentum, which in turn creates more and more progress so push past your fear and see what kind of results you can achieve!



Ultimately, this comes down to what you really want. Life is not only about money, but it’s what you do with your life that really matters.  Create a better life for yourself and those you love!

We have walked with hundreds of people throughout the years we have been coaching, and now are bringing you the best of the best. We’ve combined everything that has worked for our clients and are pouring that into the Ideal Life & Money Academy to help you live your Ideal Life and reach Financial Freedom!

 Are you ready?

If so, sign up today and start making progress.

Here’s the simple truth…You want to live your Ideal Life and reach Financial Freedom. We can help you get there. That’s the truth!

Time is of the essence - don't wait to live your Ideal Life, so get in now!

We truly hope you’re as excited as we are about this group because we LOVE helping clients get results and celebrating their wins!

You could just go about your business and life, and stay where you are. Or, you could join the Ideal Life & Money Academy and be on your way to living your Ideal Life and reaching Financial Freedom. The choice is yours, so don’t delay.

Donโ€™t Start Without Me!

See you on the inside!

- Coach Jason and Coach Mike

The choice is yours...

Pick which version is right for you!



  • Access to Ideal Life & Money Academy and the supportive Community
  • Not one, but TWO Financial Coaches to guide you
  • Regular content to help make your journey as simple as possible
  • Live coaching calls each month
  • Resources and tools that are yours to keep throughout your journey
  • And More!



Savings of $294 (reg. price is $1764/yr.)

  • Access to Ideal Life & Money Academy and the supportive Community
  • Not one, but TWO Financial Coaches to guide you
  • Regular content to help make your journey as simple as possible
  • Live coaching calls each month
  • Resources and tools that are yours to keep throughout your journey
  • And More!

Bonus #1: Access to the exclusive Ideal Life & Money Community ($147 value)

Have a question? Get an answer!

This online community is built like a Facebook group, but without the annoying adds, distractions, and trolls that tend to infiltrate free Facebook groups or other forums.

This is where conversations are happening each and every day and where you’ll find us hanging out on the regular, answering questions and encouraging you.

But it’s not just us it’s the rest of the community.

You’ll have access to a wider circle of brilliant, encouraging, and motivated individuals just like you who actually want to cheer you on and help YOU achieve your goals.

Bonus #2: A growing catalog of masterclass trainings ($2,000 value)

New trainings every month...

Each month we upload a brand new video training on a topic designed to help you navigate through each of the Stages of wealth.

These masterclasses cover everything from calculating your net worth, to creating your first budget, and how to grow your wealth.

Think of these masterclasses as mini online courses, and as an Ideal Life & Money Community member you will have an ever-growing vault of video trainings that you can tap into whenever you need them.

In essence, each month you are a member your membership becomes even more valuable!

Bonus #3: Monthly Live Group Coaching ($400 value)

Get the coaching you need every month...

Coach Jason and Coach Mike believe in the power of having a coach. Someone who can see the potential that you sometimes cannot. Someone who can point you in the right direction when you feel lost or stuck. 

That's why we wanted to make sure you'd have the opportunity to answer any questions you have.

About finances. Life. Career. Anything!

The choice is yours...

Pick which version is right for you!



  • Access to Ideal Life & Money Academy and the supportive Community
  • Not one, but TWO Financial Coaches to guide you
  • Regular content to help make your journey as simple as possible
  • Live coaching calls each month
  • Resources and tools that are yours to keep throughout your journey
  • And More!



Savings of $294 (reg. price is $1764/yr.)

  • Access to Ideal Life & Money Academy and the supportive Community
  • Not one, but TWO Financial Coaches to guide you
  • Regular content to help make your journey as simple as possible
  • Live coaching calls each month
  • Resources and tools that are yours to keep throughout your journey
  • And More!