You Aren't Poor, You're Just Broke

Jan 07, 2021

Do you think you are poor? Have you considered that "poor" is a state of mind, not a status? I believe there is a big difference in the term "poor" vs. "broke". Many of us are broke, but few of us are actually poor.

In this video, I challenge us on the language we use about ourselves and show us a simple way to beat the feeling that we are poor, showing us there is a way out. If you are broke, the good news is there is a way to change TODAY to create a plan out of this situation. It will take some work, but it's fairly easy to implement a plan.

The key to beating being broke is to Dream. Plan. Execute. I've talked about this in other posts and all throughout my coaching, but we first need to dream about what we want our lives to look like. What do you really want? Then, we create a plan. That might be getting organized with our money, creating a budget, living on less than we make, getting rid of debt, downsizing to save money, investing in ourselves or our future, changing jobs, being intentional, etc.

Once we have our plan, it's all about executing that plan. Again, we can have the best plan in the world, but if we don't take action, we won't get the results we want. Work on your discipline, create good habits, and make progress toward your goals. This year, commit to changing your language around being broke instead of poor.  Then prioritize how you manage your money. If you need help, take action now