Turn Fear into Healthy Pressure

Sep 10, 2020

For the most part, there are 2 reasons we do anything in life: 

1) We want the promise of pleasure 

2) We want to avoid pain  

In this video, we are focusing on FEAR. I'm not normally one who wants to focus on fear because I know how crippling it can be and when we give fear a foothold, it can destroy us. But for the sake of todays' conversation, we are talking about the fear of making decisions and how we can turn that fear into a healthy kind of pressure to help us make progress. This is true in any area of life, but when it comes to money, we understand the complexity and the fear of making a wrong decision can paralyze us.   

So how do we turn that fear into a healthy pressure to challenge us to reach our goals? First, we need to know what we really want. Ask yourself that question. What is it you really want?   

Now that you have your goal in mind, imagine two things:  

1) not being able to get it because you didn't make a decision because of fear 

2) reaching that goal fast and enjoying everything that had to offer  

If you hold onto fear and end up not reaching that goal, how does that make you feel, what does your life look like, are you happier or more miserable?   

If you took a risk and decided to let fear go and went for the goal so you can achieve it, how does that make you feel, what does your life look like now, and how much more joy is in your life?   

I understand...fear can be scary, but what is even scarier is having a life that isn't full of joy, fulfillment, happiness, then looking back decades later and realizing we missed out on the most amazing life that was right in front of us. All due to fear keeping us from making the decisions we need to make to take hold of that amazing life.   

Take a moment today to imagine and dream about what you want your life to look like, then list the things that are holding you back and DECIDE to take a step each day to rid yourself of fear and create your Ideal Life!