The Secret to Winning with Money

Oct 29, 2020

People have been dealing with and struggling with money for generations. So why have we not learned to figure this subject out? After thousands of years, we are still in the same boat. We want more and we don't make enough to get what we want. Finances are very complex with multiple facets to it, but if you follow this 1 simple rule, you'll get rid of the vast majority of your financial problems.   

It's very easy to understand, yet very difficult to live by - "Live on less than you make". That's right, this rule of thumb is so effective, if you do this your entire life, you should be in good shape. However, the majority of us in North America can't seem to follow this rule. It's not because we are bad people. It's because we just don't think about it, and even more true is we haven't developed the discipline of spending less than we make.  

You see, once you develop a discipline to do something, you'll convert that discipline into a habit. And once you have a habit, it's very difficult to break that habit. This works both in the positive and the negative. We all know people who have bad habits they can't break, even if they want to. But we also know people who have good habits who seem to be so dedicated to that habit, it would take a strong force to break it.  

When you have some sort of habit in your life, we take action - even if it hurts us and when we take action toward something, we get the natural result that comes from that habit. Commit to writing down the results you want, determine what habit needs to be developed, then start creating the actions that lead you to creating this habit.