Quick Ways to Make or Save Money Right Now!

Apr 14, 2020

I relay some great ideas from a Buzzfeed article on how to make money or save money right now as we are in the middle of the COVID-19 crisis (2020-2021). These tips can really add up if you need cash now and don't just work during the pandemic. Most of these tips you can use anytime you need money.

12 tips to save money right now:

  1. Set a clear defined goal for something you want
  2. Sell some stuff
  3. Look for second hand items
  4. Downgrade or eliminate underused subscriptions
  5. Track your spending
  6. Learn how to cook at home instead of eating out
  7. Consider re-negotiating your rent/mortgage
  8. Be patient when you want to buy something
  9. Start a side hustle
  10. Rent out something that you own to someone else
  11. Use Coupons, Vouchers, Gift Cards
  12. Sell your gift cards you haven't used or won't be using