Don't Take Your Income For Granted

May 10, 2020

When we are discussing managing our money, there are only 2 sides of the coin. Income and Outgo. We talk a lot about budgeting and managing your spending, but sometimes you've done all you can to reduce your spending and you still aren't getting ahead financially. Check out my other blog post on this subject. I also provide a list of ideas on how to make extra money: https://www.sentinelcoaching.com/blog/maybe-your-budget-isn-t-your-problem 

We all know that life can be unpredictable, we don't know what will be in our future, how long we'll be here, and how long the particular season we are in will last. So, when it comes to our income, don't take it for granted. Especially if you've got a good one! Our income is our most powerful wealth-building tool. Most of us work really hard for our money, and for a long period of time too. The last thing we want to do is waste it, right? You never know what your health will be like or how long the job will last so take a look at what you make, never take it for granted, and plan to make the most of it to live a fulfilling like and make financial progress.