5 ways to save money on groceries

Feb 17, 2023

Food is one of the most controversial categories when it comes to our personal budget. Everyone has opinions on how to spend or save on groceries. One of the reasons people talk so much about this line item is you can make a big swing one way or the other. You can drastically overspend, leaving your budget completely in the dust, or you can do some creative shopping and planning to save a bunch of money.

Let's look at just 5 simple ways you can save money on groceries:

1) Don't go shopping when you are hungry, angry, lonely, or tired

2) Plan your meals ahead for the week

3) Buy in bulk and split your food with someone (neighbor, family, friend, etc)

4) If it's not on sale and don't need it immediately, don't buy it

5) Cook ahead and freeze your meals for the future

Try a few of these ideas and see how much you can save! Be sure you have a plan for the money you save or you'll spend it elsewhere and it won't benefit you.
